Important Information

General Membership Meeting

LVPOA General Membership Meeting

Zoom Meeting link

We will be meeting in person and via zoom. The meeting will start at 1630. We will take a break at about 1700 and resume about 1830. Please do not participate while working in the units so not to interrupt operations.

General Membership Meeting Reminder


Zoom link for General Membership Meeting

We will be meeting in person and via zoom. The meeting will start at 1630. We will take a break at about 1700 and resume about 1830. Please do not participate while working in the units so not to interrupt operations.

General Membership Meeting Reminder


Public Safety Labor News

Anti-Unionization Efforts Violated Colorado Labor Law

The Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge No. 47, started gathering signatures for a representation election, and on February 7, 2024, the FOP notified the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office that 75% of their employees had voted “yes” for collective bargaining. The FOP also stated that it had met with Sheri

Notice, Pre-Discipline Hearing Satisfied Due Process Requirements For Police Chief

Reginald Brown was employed as a corporal and Interim Chief of Police for the Monroe Police Department (MPD) in Louisiana. On July 6, 2020, just before a contested mayoral election, officers informed Brown of an incident involving alleged excessive force. Brown notified the city attorney, placed the

Denial Of Benefits For Troopers On Baby Bonding Leave Did Not Violate State Law

Aimee Bodge and several other state troopers filed a lawsuit alleging that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts had a policy of denying the accrual of benefits, specifically seniority, length-of-service credit, vacation time, and sick time, while an employee was on Paid Family and Medical Leave Act (PF